Rotaru Lab

University of Southern Denmark

By - Amelia Rotaru

Marburg spotlight on microbiology

On November 23rd, I gave an invited talk for the graduate schools of Microbiology at the Max Planck Institute of Terrestrial Microbiology, the Philips University Marburg and the University of Tuebingen. It was an excellent meeting covering diverse aspects of microbiology, especially structural and molecular microbiology. It was wonderful to be once again in Marburg. Here is the flyer for

By - Amelia Rotaru

Preprint from our lab

We discovered that Baltic Sea consortia rich in Geobacter and Methanosarcina carried out syntrophic acetate oxidation (SAO) mediated by conductive particles.  It’s a really exciting finding not only because it is of importance to our understanding of the iron the methane cycles but also because: it raises questions how anthropogenic discharge of conductive particles (from agriculture, forestry etc) affects methane emissions

By - Amelia Rotaru

Marburg Survival Artists

On the 9th of October Amelia gave a talk about syntrophic acetate oxidation at the Survival Artist workshop in Marburg. The list of speakers was incredible for anyone interested in interspecies interactions and not only. Survival Artists 2017 Flyer – neu 29.Sept Very thankful to Andreas Brune for the invite. Hoping to get more opportunities for collaborations and discussion with

By - Amelia Rotaru

First preprint from our lab

We were surprised to discover that Methanosarcina reduced mobile and toxic uranium (VI) to less mobile and less toxic uranium (IV). For now, you can find a preprint of this paper on Biorxiv: Potential for Methanosarcina to contribute to uranium reduction during acetate-promoted groundwater bioremediation Will keep you updated.