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Principal investigator
- 09/2022-08/2027: ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (principal investigator): Conductive minerals as electrical conduits in methane cycling, 2 mil. € or 15 mil. Dkr.-
- 07/2021-06/2025: Danish Research Council for Independent Research – collaborative research project type 2 (my role: principal investigator at SDU; Bo Barker Jørgensen as co-PI at AU): Seabed methane cycling by reversible electron transfer between archaea and bacteria. 6.2 mil Dkr.-
- 05/2021-04/2026: Novo Nordisk Foundation Ascending Investigator in biotechnology-based synthesis & production for the Nordic region (principal investigator): Harnessing microbes to store electricity and capture carbon dioxide in sustainable chemicals. 9.8 mil. Dkr.-
- 02/2015-12/2019: Sapere Aude research leadership grant (principal investigator) Danish Research Council: Feeding on electrons. 7 mil. Dkr-
- 10/2015-09/2018: Novo Nordisk fellowship (principal investigator): Microbial chemical plants: harnessing microbial metabolism for the production of valuable chemicals. 2.5 mil.Dkr.-
- 10/2013-09/2015: FNU MOBILEX fellowship from the Danish Research Council (principal investigator): Electric interspecies interactions under methanogenic conditions. 2 mil. Dkr.-
Work package leader, co-PI, collaborator
- 12/2014-10/2019: Innovation fund Denmark grant (work package leader): Electrogas: the e-power buffer. 20 mil. Dkr.-
Other grants /research fellowships
- 11/2013 – (declined): Dale T. Mortensen fellowship