Amelia was invited to give a talk about interspecies interactions based on direct electron transfer at the congress of the Danish Microbiological Society which takes place on the 9th of November in Copenhagen.
Year: 2015
Visit to UNSW Australia
Prof. Mike Manefield from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia will visit us on the 17th of November. He will present some of his work from UNSW at the Department of Biology at SDU. We are very excited to meet him.
Mon joined a PhD course in electrochemical kinetics and instrumental methods in electrochemistry at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the Danish Technological University in Lyngby. Wishing her lots of electrochem fun.
Amelia will give a talk about direct interspecies electron transfer in methanogenic sediments at the BioMicroWorld conference in Barcelona, Spain (28-30 October 2015).
We are welcoming Yee Mon Oo our new PhD student on the Electrogas project, which will study how methanogens interact with cathodes.
September 2nd 2015