
Paola – Ph.D. thesis submission

On the 28th of February, Paola submitted her Ph.D. thesis, which includes 6 manuscripts (3 already submitted). Very curious to hear what the committee thinks about Paola’s work. Wishing her best of luck, it’s been fantastic working together. Hope we will continue working together for a bit longer after her defense.

Picture link:


Jo Philips – visit and talk

Jo, now an Assistant Prof. at Aarhus University visited us on the 10th of January. Jo presented her recent work on corrosion by acetogenic bacteria. It was great to see Jo again and discuss possible future collaborations.



Paola’s first preprint

Ever wondered who’s corroding those chemical weapons oozing mustard gas in the Baltic sea, wonder no more: “Baltic Methanosarcina and Clostridium compete for electrons from metallic iron”. Check Paola’s firstpreprint bioRxiv MIC ironcorrosion funded by the Danish Research Council (Sapere Aude program):

Palacios et al., 2018 BiRxiv 530386







I have been granted tenure after three years as Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Denmark. Today, 1st of November 2018, is my first day in the capacity of tenured Associate Professor. I am excited about my new role and curious to learn and develop further.

News Research

Preprint 1st of Nov 2018: Extracellular electron uptake by two Methanosarcina species

My first Ph.D. student Mon Oo Yee just preprinted her first paper: Extracellular electron uptake by two Methanosarcina species.

Mon discovered that although two different Methanosarcina could do DIET, they differed in their capability to do electromethanogenesis at a fixed cathode potential.

We are excited to hear how the scientific community receives her work.