News Research

New paper on odd partnerships fused by conductive particles and workshop in Wageningen

Finally, great to see our BioRxiv paper just published by mBio. Also, SDU Nat’s press officer (Birgitte Svennevig) published a EurekaAlert and a press release on SDU’s website calling attention to our work. This work is a contribution to a project funded by the Danish Research Council in 2013.

Wageningen: a sneak peak at conductive particle-mediated syntrophy

Just before the paper was released I visited Wageningen University were I held a workshop and lecture on conductive particle-mediated syntrophy. It was an absolutely fantastic experience to lecture on syntrophy at a place where syntrophy has been studied for decades. The Wageningen visit was only possible thanks to A/Prof. Diana Sousa. Thank you Diana for the invite!