
Memrise and student learning

On the 8th of December, I participated in the poster session of the Lecturer Training Program at SDU. I presented the poster attached, which discusses how students could use spaced-repetition to learn biochemistry concepts.

Poster LTP Amelia 2


Questioning: how it can support learning, teaching and assesment

I went to a course held by Donna Hurfort at SDU on Questioning and it’s impact on learning and teaching. This course concludes my Lecturer Training Program  training at SDU. Soon, I should be a certified University teacher – at least in the nordic countries where this certification is required.

Here is a link to the course, if you’re interested to learn more about it.


Radboud Uni in Nijmegen and the KNVM Meeting

I visited A/Prof. Cornelia Welte, and Prof. Mike Jetten at Radboud University Nijmegen to establish a future collaboration with their labs. With this occasion I gave a talk about DIET and discussed the possible electron uptake mechanism in methanogens.

Just a day after the KNVM Microbial Ecology meeting took place where I gave a speech about DIET in anaerobic microorganisms. The meeting although small, it’s been a great success and you can follow it on tweeter searching for #KNVM and see it on periscopetv. The dutch impressed me not only with their science but also with their welcoming nature. We had some great dinners together where I met  other great scientists.


I’m very thankful to Soehngen Institute for Anaerobic Microbiology (SIAM) which supported my trip down there and Cornelia for applying for the SIAM grant. Cannot wait to do some science together.








ASM Microbe 2016

Amelia and Paola went to ASM Microbe 2016 in Boston Massachusetts.

Amelia gave a talk in the session “Microbial electric grids: electromicrobiology, fuel cells, nanowires and cable bacteria.”. The talk was entitled: “Methanogens hungry for electrons” and you can find the abstract here.

Tweeps twitted during the talk, and even photos were snapped.

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After the conference Amelia also visited Amherst – the Lovley lab. It’s been great meeting old and new friends and collaborators from the US.

Paola presented a poster from her master studies. She had lots of people visiting her during the poster hours.


Overall we had a great time.

News People

New employment

Oona Snoeyebos West (June 2016 – ) has joined our team as the second postdoc on the iron corrosion project. Oona has a double PhD in Organismic Evolutionary Biology and Geosciences from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (received in 1998), and has worked as postdoc in different labs at UMass.

Welcome Oona!

You can find Oona’s papers here.